The importance of SEO and search engine visibility
Google is a very important communication and sales channel for companies and they have understood this well. However, many of them are yet to understand the importance that Google visibility can bring them.
Paid Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Advertising
SEA is one of the best ways to quickly position yourself on targeted keywords and generate traffic. The SEA is a system that aims to place an advertisement in a good position on search engines, in the paid part. On Google, we use Google Ads, formerly Adwords, to position ourselves on search words and improve visibility. Don’t hesitate to deepen your knowledge on tools like Google Ads by visiting instaon.io, one of the SEA specialists out there…

SEO: website optimization criteria, tools and methods
SEO is much more than search engine ranking
SEO is commonly reduced to the fact of being first in search engines (Google in particular) for a specific keyword. Approaching the concept of website optimization with this vision seems outdated. SEO is now subject to many tools and methods like developing external links pointing to the internal pages of a website and many other tools that formationinformatique.info took the time to list for you…
Search Engine Optimization is actually applied throughout the web. Indeed, making a link is referring to a document (web pages, images, videos, etc.), so it is referencing this resource on the page from which the link is made.
In short, SEO and Netlinking mean the same thing and are not limited to search engine results. From the moment you make a link (whether it is natural, the result of an exchange, an affiliate program or even advertising) you achieve a SEO feature.
Everything about SEO links and netlinking
As mentioned on agence-referencement.info, in terms of SEO, the links that point to your website are of paramount importance. Google considers 2 types of links: DoFollow and NoFollow, but what are the differences and how can you win backlinks?
This is one of the fundamentals of SEO when looking for backlink as a blogger or when you have an SEO agency managing netlinking campaigns for a website owner.

Netlinking strategies
Netlinking: the different strategies
and link types

Nofollow and Dofollow
These two types of links are used to tell the bots what to do when they crawl a website and detect links.

The natural backlink concept
It’s obtained when a website, blog or Internet user talks about you because they like your content.

Optimized anchor text ratio
The anchor text optimization ratio is an important but often forgotten component of your SEO strategy.

The importance of internal netlinking
It allows robots to navigate through your contents and understand their logical and semantic links.

Dofollow links
Dofollow is the opposite of Nofollow. It is used in SEO to indicate to search engine robots that they must take into account a link leaving the page to identify other pages. A nofollow link is a link that is not “tracked” and not counted by Google (and other search engines) and a dofollow link is a normal link, i.e a link tracked and counted by search engines.
For links positioned in the content (e.g. within blog articles), we recommend the dofollow. It helps Google understand your content’s semantics better. It has also been proven that the presence of links improves your search engine ranking (well, don’t overdo it either!).
Links and search engines
Like mentioned above, links to your website are one of the pillars of SEO. The most interesting website is necessarily the one that makes Internet users talk about it the most! At this stage, there is only one question left: How does Google know that a website makes web surfers talk about it? Simply by relying on the links that point to it. For a search engine, a link is therefore a “vote” in favour of the website to which it directs the Internet user. Thus, when a platform links to one of your pages, you can say that you got a “vote” to rank your website higher in search results.
Obviously, Google will not give the same importance to all the links you will be able to get. A “good” link can be more decisive for your SEO than 1000 “bad” links. The most important task is to assess the value of the link in question.